The Debutante's Escape Read online

Page 11

  She pulled back and he saw the surprise in her eyes. He started to let her go, but when her eyes dropped to his lips, a jolt of white-hot desire pulsed through his body leaving him no other choice but to answer her silent invitation.

  He bent his head slowly towards hers, and when she didn't pull away, he kissed her.

  Chapter 10

  Regina stood in John's embrace and realized that at moment, their friendship had become something more.

  Her impulse to hug him had been just that—an impulse. She was so happy he trusted her. And with such an important project. No one ever bothered to ask what she thought. Especially not her parents.

  She had learned long ago to keep her opinions to herself. Her mother had once told her that a good wife was meant to be seen, not heard. Thank goodness John didn't believe such nonsense.

  When he pulled her closer to him, she was pleasantly surprised and the sudden urge to kiss him again was quite overwhelming. She waited for his lead this time and she was not disappointed.

  John leaned his head down to hers, capturing her lips with his. The soft brush of his beard and mustache left a tingling trail against her mouth. She took a step closer, fusing their two bodies into one.

  He deepened their kiss and Regina's knees threatened to buckle. The way he held her felt as if he would never let her go. She felt cherished and cared for. If only that were true.

  His hand snaked up her back and stroked the base of her neck. She tilted her head back to give him even more access to her mouth. He took what she offered.

  His lips blazed a trail from her mouth to her jaw and down her neck, where he nipped his way across her shoulder. She really should sit down before she embarrassed herself, but she didn't want to leave the sizzling confines of his strong arms.

  “Regina, this probably isn't the best place for this. A member of my staff could walk in at any moment,” he whispered against her lips.

  His words washed over her, cooling her passion just enough for rational thought to return. But when he followed his words of caution with another searing kiss, his tongue penetrating her mouth, ravaging it thoroughly, she realized she really didn't care who walked in.

  It was at that moment a knock sounded on the door just before it opened. Regina turned in embarrassed mortification to see John's friend, Will, standing in the open doorway grinning from ear-to-ear.

  “Good morning, John. Mrs. Kingston. I see the marriage is going well.”

  Regina heard the emphasis on the word Mrs. and knew what he was thinking. It wasn't as if her reputation would be intact when she left Durango. After all, she would be considered a divorced woman in the eyes of the community, but Will knew she did not have the benefit of a real marriage certificate to be doing what it was he thought she was doing—what she was doing. What must he think of her? Did she care? She realized she didn’t, not as long as he kept her secret.

  “Will, what are you doing here this morning? Aren't you supposed to have a—” Regina heard John's words stop short as if he didn't want to finish his sentence. Now, she was curious.

  “Don't you have a what?” she asked. When neither man spoke, she asked again. “What is going on between you two?”

  Will spoke up. “I think John is just trying to save your sensibilities, Regina. He doesn't want you to know that I'm an impossible reprobate and I may or may not have a woman waiting for me at this early hour.”

  Embarrassed, Regina felt the heat in her face. “I'm sorry. I—it was none of my business and I shouldn't have asked. If you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a great deal to do today. There are houses to look at and people to talk to. Oh, this is all so exciting. Thank you, John. For everything. I will always be grateful to you for seeing me as an intelligent human being and not just a pawn to be used in some kind of game where I am the prize.”

  She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. It was a chaste kiss for the benefit of their company, but when his eyes met hers, the spark between them flared again. John was right. This was not the time or the place for whatever was blossoming between them.

  She turned away from John and, in an attempt to cover up her intense feelings for him, Regina said the first thing that popped into her flustered mind. “Will, it is nice to see you again so soon after our wedding. And speaking of weddings, recent events have me wondering about that marriage certificate.

  “I think I should warn you that if my father’s recent behavior is any indication of his intentions toward John and me…and anyone else who might have participated in our deception against him…please, be aware. My father is a very sore loser.”

  Will bowed to her and cut a quick look to John before he replied to her comment. “I can assure you, Regina, that certificate will convince even the most suspicious of minds of its authenticity.”

  She relaxed a bit at the confidence Will displayed for his handiwork. “Good to know.” She smiled at the men, bid them a good morning, and left them to their manly conversation. It was already mid-morning and she had so much to do. First thing on her list, was to enlist the help of her friends in The Ladies Club of Durango. They could help her draw up a list of all the things needed to make John's care house for young children a reality.

  Regina had never felt so alive in all her born days. The drudgery of sitting—hour after hour—learning French and tatting useless lace doilies were behind her. John had given her a purpose in life. Something she could take pride in. Her excitement bubbled over.

  Thoughts of John and how he made her feel led her to a place she wasn't certain she was ready to go, but the memory of his lips, his arms, his body against hers, made her want things from him. Things a woman should only want from her husband.

  She smiled to herself as she made her way down the hall to the room where the club met. In the eyes of the citizens of Durango, she and John were husband and wife. And even though it was only pretend, it gave her great satisfaction to know that—for now—John belonged to her.

  John closed the door behind Regina, but he simply could not get the sight of her passion-filled eyes and kiss-swollen lips out of his mind.

  The arrival of his friend hadn't helped the matter in the least.

  “Looks like things are going well in the marriage department. And judging from your wife’s happy disposition, you either haven’t told her the truth yet, or you’ve already gotten her to fall in love with you. Now, I know you are a handsome devil based upon commentary from some of your former paramours, but I doubt even you can manage that effect on Miss Beckett overnight.”

  John needed time to process everything that had happened this morning. The early morning visit from Regina’s parents accompanied by the sheriff, the situation with Mary, his invitation to Regina to help him get his care house for young children care venture under way.

  “Tell me again why you are here so early this morning.” John tried to refocus his thoughts into something more manageable.

  “I’m sorry to stop unannounced. I guess I should have given you some warning, but I honestly had no idea you would be spending the morning in your office with the missus.”

  “I…we…were talking about a private matter with one of my employees, and things got out of hand,” John admitted.

  Will grinned. “Yeah, I’d say so. You almost let it slip that I was on my way to preside over a murder trial in front of Regina.”

  “Yeah, thanks for covering it over. At least for now, but I’m going to tell her. Soon. Before I make another slip that can’t be covered up so easily. I want to make sure I get the timing right so she’ll stay, and after this morning's kiss, I can’t help but hope she is leaning in that direction.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, my friend, and just to remind you, that murder trial is right here in town. I would assume you are able to keep Regina out of my courtroom. If she learns I’m an actual judge, she’ll know immediately that her marriage to you is as legal as it gets.”

  John's thoughts drifted to Regina's participation in this morn
ing's kiss and how it had surprised the hell out of him. He had imagined many times over the years what it would be like to hold her against his chest, feel her in his arms, and to kiss her with all the passion he held in check, but not even his wildest imaginings could compare to reality.

  He stiffened just thinking about the desire that coursed between them. How her skin felt beneath his fingers and then there was that kiss. Could her feelings for him be blossoming into something more? Oh, how he hoped it was true. With all his heart, he dared to hope.

  A knock at the door scattered his thoughts. “Come in”

  The door opened to reveal his bartender, Charley Wilson, nervously anticipating this meeting with his boss.

  “Oh, I didn’t know you had someone in here, Mr. Kingston. I can come back—”

  “No need, Charley. I was just leaving.” Will turned to him and slapped him on the back. “Don’t take too long to take care of that little matter we talked about, John. I’d hate to see the consequences if things don’t go according to plan.”

  Will nodded to Charley on his way out leaving John in a whirling dervish of mixed emotions. He would have to deal with those later. Right now, he had business to take care of.

  “Charley. Come in and sit down. It seems we have a serious matter to discuss.” John shook the man's hand. “Would you like something to drink? I know it's a little early, but considering the nature of our business, I think the hour can be overlooked.”

  The man shook his head, “No, sir, Mr. Kingston, but thank you just the same.”

  “Well, let's get to it then. Tell me what has happened between you and Mary and what you and she intend to do about it.” John returned to his chair behind his desk and waited for Charley to begin.

  “Mr. Kingston, I know what we did is against your rules. It's just that...things...kinda got outta control a time or two.”

  John thought about this morning’s kiss with Regina. He could easily understand how things can get out of hand, but adults have a responsibility to the children they create. His life was a shining example of irresponsible parents.

  “I see. And are you saying you are not in love with Mary?”

  “No, sir. I ain't sayin' that. I'm just sayin' I wasn't plannin' on gettin' married right now. I got room and board down at the boarding house, but there’s no room for a wife and kid. I gotta little money saved up, but it ain’t near enough to buy a house or nothin’. This thing…with Mary…it all just happened, unexpected like, and it’s just more than I can adjust to right now.”

  John could tell the man was truly distraught and he felt sorry for him. “Charley, you had to know that when you and Mary crossed the line, there might be consequences for the two of you. This thing you’re talking about…it’s a baby. You do know how babies are conceived, right?”

  “Yes, sir. I know. Mary and I just needed someone to turn to when the days got too hard. And, like I said, things kinda got out of hand.”

  John grimaced. “Yeah, I heard. A time or two you said.”

  “Yes, sir,” Charley nodded. His face showed his resignation as he too knew the rules of employment.

  “What will you do without this job, Charley? You know I've already had to dismiss Mary,” John reminded his bartender.

  “Yes, sir. I know. She came to me crying and I didn't know what to say to her. I didn't have any money to give her to live on. She said you gave her some money and promised to give her some fine references. I guess I'm hoping you’ll do the same for me, but I ain’t really got no exceptions about it. You don’t owe me nothin’, Mr. Kingston.”

  John could see the tears of desperation forming in the man's eyes. What would become of him and Mary? And what about the poor innocent child caught in the middle of this mess?

  “Charley, I have a question for you. Do you have any feelings at all for Mary?”

  The man didn't hesitate. “Yes, sir. I care a lot for Mary.”

  “And could those feelings blossom into love over time?” John asked.

  “I suppose they could. I ain't never been in love before, Mr. Kingston, but I'd say my feelings for Mary could’ve been headed thataway iffin’ we’d had more time—before the baby news came along that is.”

  John understood about needing time for love to bloom.

  “Truth be told, sir, I ain't had much experience with givin’ or gettin’ love. My ma died when I was young and my pa worked hisself into an early grave, so love ain't something I'm comfortable with, but I do care for Mary. A lot.”

  “Can you see yourself living with Mary and that baby of yours?” John asked.

  “Well, sure, Mr. Kingston. I mean, I can see it, but I can't see how to make it happen. Since I probably don’t have a job no more, and neither does Mary...and when the baby comes it’s gonna need someplace to stay besides a room at…” the man's words trailed off.

  “Besides a room at the boarding house?” John offered.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “What if there were some changes in your life that could help? Would you be open to them?” John wanted to help that little baby grow up somewhere besides the streets of Durango like he’d had to do.

  “Like what kinda changes? Don't see nothin’ swoopin’ down outta the sky and landing on my shoulder anytime soon. Sir.” Charley tempered his sarcasm with a word of respect. John liked that about Charley. He was a good man. He just needed a leg up. Everyone did at some point in their life.

  “I've got a couple of ideas. That is if you trust my judgment. Do you trust me, Charley?”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Kingston. I trust you more’n most,” the man assured him.

  “Good. I'm gonna let you finish out this week at your regular shift. Then, I’m gonna have a job for you and Mary, but it’s gonna be a few weeks before I can set my idea into motion. The money I gave Mary should be enough to see the both of you through until then.”

  “A job...for-r me? And one for...for Mary too?” Charley stuttered.

  “Yes. Come to my office after the town hall meeting tomorrow night. I hope to have some news for you and Mary by then. In the meantime, try not to worry.”

  “Yes sir, Mr. Kingston. And thank you for being so kind. A right gentleman, you are.”

  John stood and clapped the man on the shoulder. “Now, you get back to work.”

  Charley let himself out and left John alone with his thoughts.

  He wanted to help Charley and Mary. They were good, hard-working, honest people and they deserved a bit of help, but mostly, John wanted to help that little baby they were bringing into this world. He, or she, deserved better than a worn-out single mother and growing up in the gutter without a father.

  What these people needed was something that benefited the working man and woman directly. Something that could help families with small children still make a decent living. They needed someone to care for their children when they couldn’t, and he was going to make that happen. He and Regina.

  Thoughts of Regina pulled him back to this morning's kiss. Something had changed. Something had tipped the scales in his favor. And this evening, when he had Regina all to himself, he planned to tell her the truth about their marriage.

  He worked on his ledger until he heard the chatter of women down the hall. The Ladies Club of Durango was meeting today, and he knew Regina was hoping to get the ladies to champion his plans for his care house.

  He sat back in his chair and picked out conversations among the group. He knew he was eavesdropping, but they were in a public place. He doubted anything they said would be more personal than who wore what to the debutante’s ball this past Saturday.

  He heard a female voice speaking to the group. The din of other voices quieted to hear what was said. “Did you hear about Meg and Martin? And about Kelly? Where do you think she went?” the young woman asked.

  Another voice answered. “I heard Meg was caught in a compromising position with Martin Scott and Kelly simply disappeared.”

  Another of the young women spoke up. “But wh
y would Meg do such a thing?”

  “She just got tired of her parents making plans for her, that’s what I think. Don’t you agree, Regina?”

  He heard Regina’s voice drop and he leaned forward in his chair to better hear his wife’s answer.

  “I think we are all sick of our parents running our lives. I wish we could be independent like the March sisters in Little Women. Or even like the book’s author, Louisa May Alcott. Wouldn’t that be a magical existence? To have the freedom to be independent and adventurous.”

  Another female in the little group spoke up. “You know that will never happen. We leave our parent’s home where they are in charge of our lives and move into our husband’s home where he takes over control. It’s a man’s world and the best we can hope for is to find a kind generous husband who isn’t too overbearing.”

  John heard Regina’s voice loud and clear when she spoke again. “I have a plan that is going to allow me the freedom I seek.”

  “What is it, Regina?” one of the young women asked.

  “Oh, just something I’ve set in motion,” she replied vaguely. “But when it’s time, I shall follow my own destiny without interference from anyone. I will finally have the freedom I have dreamed about since I was a little girl.”

  “But we heard you got married. To John Kingston. That’s what he told everyone in the hotel lobby last night when your father came looking for you.”

  “Yes, that’s true. John and I did get married and my father is not happy about it in the least.”

  “You are so lucky, Regina. John Kingston is so handsome.”

  “And he’s rich.” Another voice piped in.

  “Yes, John is very handsome indeed. And he’s quite wealthy too. But more important than that, he’s kind and he cares about people. Why, most men would never even consider allowing their wives to partner with them in business, but John—”

  “Oh, now you’re just teasing us. There’s not a man on this Earth who would let his wife have a say in business matters.”

  Several of the ladies giggled.